Sílvia Espinosa-Mirabet

Sílvia Espinosa-Mirabet holds a PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising from the University Autonomous of Barcelona (UAB) and is currently Vice Dean of the Faculty of Tourism & Communication at the University of Girona (UdG). Her long academic and professional career related to the world of radio, has not prevented her work from moving between communication, health or tourism, presenting a marked interdisciplinary character. Her extensive experience in the media has allowed her to direct and produce research related to the history of women in radio. Member of the research team Targetslab-GREP(UdG), her research is reflected in several International conferences, International research stays, more than 25 scientific articles in indexed journals, and 25 books and book chapters .


Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed Communication Training at the Medical Faculties in Spain?
Mònica Puntí-Brun, Sílvia Espinosa-Mirabet. © 2024. 22 pages.
This study aimed to assess whether Spanish hospitals have enhanced their protocols and training for breaking bad news in response to the pandemic. Employing a qualitative...