Simona Eftimie

Eftimie Simona is Associate Professor PhD at the Teacher Training Department from Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti. She had received Ph.D in Educational Sciences at University of Bucharest, Romania. She teaches courses at Pedagogy, Curriculum theory and methodology, Online Counselling. She was teacher in national project “Developing new key competences for teachers from Braila and Prahova Counties, expert in international project “Training of teaching staff in scientific and technological field by means of a master program” (countries involved – Romania and Netherlands), researcher in international project Daphne III “Preventing submerged violence” (countries involved – Italy, Romania and Spain).


Early Childhood Inclusion: From Understanding to Intervention
Alina Mărgărițoiu, Simona Eftimie. © 2024. 24 pages.
The themes analysed in the present chapter ensure a better understanding of the issue of early childhood inclusion in order to provide a theoretical and practical framework to...