Simge Esin Orhun

Simge Esin Orhun , born in 1974 in Ankara, Turkey, obtained her Bachelor Degree in 1995 in Architecture. Further continuing her education, she obtained her Master’s Degree in Architecture in 1995 and PhD in 2007. Between the years 1996-2003, she worked in a variety of architectural companies as a project architect and took part in the design and implementation projects of large scale projects like airports, shopping centers and mixed developments. She started teaching on Communication Design since 2003 in different universities. She took part in national and international workshops as co-partner. Her main areas of teaching are spatial communication, interactive exhibiting, ergonomics and scenography. Her research interests focus on interactive applications in physical space, interactive media design education, spatial organizations of public spaces and design-driven innovation. She obtained her full Professorship in Design from Marmara University in 2023, where she is currently teaching and researching on different areas of design.


An Investigation of the Visitor's Spatial Experience in Virtual Exhibitions
Rana Öztürk, Simge Esin Orhun. © 2024. 22 pages.
Along with the technological advancements in the digitalisation of physical objects and spaces, the COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent necessity for cultural institutions to...