Shubhangi Rathkanthiwar

Shubhangi Rathkanthiwar , (PhD, Electronics Engineering), Dean, International Relations, and Professor at Department of Electronics Engineering, Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, India is a renowned academic personality and has achieved continued success in her role as a scholastic intellectual leader in diversified areas. She holds patentable profile with brilliant academic achievements. Her tutorial excellence, especially the various innovative teaching/learning practices adopted by her marks her as a distinguished luminary in academic circles. Recipient of Best Scientist Award, Best Teacher Award, Best Research, Shiksha Ratna and several academic and Literature awards (Amruta Pritam Literature award), Dr. Rathkanthiwar has 5 patents (granted), 6 patents (Published), 2 copyrights, 2 academic books (Published in Germany), 6 Book chapters, 132 research papers (Published in International Journals, conferences), 500+ articles (published in magazines, column articles). She is an Editorial board member of 7 International Journals. She has demonstrated diplomacy in establishing techno-links with the external world, including her visit to 11 countries (USA, Singapore, Thailand, Scotland, Sri Lanka, England, Malaysia, and Switzerland) to deliver Keynote addresses and Invited Plenary talks, and at present, she has undertaken academic collaborative activities with many world-class leaders. Versatility in her leadership, knowledge, research, and skills are reflected through her outrival excellence on four fronts, Academics, Research & Development, Administration and Extension services.


AI-Based Smart Surveillance System: A Paradigm Shift in Security for Women and Beyond
Hitesh Gehani, Shubhangi Rathkanthiwar. © 2024. 13 pages.
Due to the expanding requirement for security, intelligence-based savvy observation was taken into consideration. Observation frameworks are outlined to detect videos, pictures...