Shane D. Jensen

Shane D. Jensen received his EdD in Leadership from American College of Education. Dr. Jensen serves as the Music Specialist for Baltimore County Public Schools. He presents sessions and facilitates professional learning on integrating inclusive practices, LGBTQIA+ focused topics, leadership authenticity, and social-emotional learning through an adult perspective.


Identity as an Integral Component of Language Learning
Shane D. Jensen, Amalio C. Nieves, Clair Stocks. © 2023. 19 pages.
This chapter focuses on increasing advocacy and visibility of identity through language usage in educational communities. Language is complex and constantly evolving. The journey...
Evolution of Authentic Identity Among LGBTIQ+ School Leaders
Shane D. Jensen. © 2023. 19 pages.
Authentic leadership requires self-reflection and vulnerability to reveal aspects of self within the workplace. To establish and maintain authentic leadership, LGBTIQ+...