Serhat Bahadır Kert

Serhat Bahadır Kert is professor of Computer Science education and Instructional Technologies at Yildiz Technical University. He is also the chair of the department of computer education and instructional technologies (CEIT). His research interests are computer science education for children, methodologies in programming language education, computational thinking, game-based education and development of e- learning environments. He teaches courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels and goes on to conduct national and international research on the pedagogical features of computer science education. One of his last projects on programming education for visually impaired children was founded by British Council in 2021.


Effective Computer Science Education in K-12 Classrooms
Serhat Bahadır Kert. © 2025. 400 pages.
The growing influence of information technologies in everyday life has underscored the increasing importance of computer science education. The goal of computer science education...
Game-Based Approaches, Gamification, and Programming Language Training
Serhat Bahadır Kert, Mehmet Fatih Erkoç. © 2017. 21 pages.
Programming language training is a process that necessitates the continuity of individual motivation and interest. Many of the students who are assigned to computer programming...