Sergey Olegovich Travin

Sergey Travin Graduated Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), faculty of molecular and chemical physics 1976, diploma with honors. Ph.D. in Chemistry 1979 Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor 2001 Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the section “Education and sustainable development” 2002 Current position: senior scientist in N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences Scope of interest: Mathematical modeling in Chemical kinetics, Chemistry and Physics, Computer science, Information systems


Electron and Proton Transfer Mechanisms From Marcus to Supramolecular Constructions
Sergey Olegovich Travin, Gheorghe Duca. © 2023. 26 pages.
Since the middle of the last century, special attention has been devoted to the study of phenomenological and theoretical aspects of the elementary act of electron and/or proton...
Molecular Oxygen Activation Mechanisms
Ashok Vaseashta, Gheorghe Duca, Sergey Olegovich Travin. © 2023. 12 pages.
Molecular oxygen is the greenest of all possible oxidizing agents, but its specific electronic configuration eliminates the possibility of its direct reaction with organic...
Hydrogen Peroxide: A Substance That Conquered the World
Gheorghe Duca, Serghey Travin. © 2023. 32 pages.
The paper discusses the decomposition mechanisms of hydrogen peroxide (HP) under the action of light, with the involvement of metal ions and their coordination compounds, as well...
Biodiagnostic Methods in Environmental Chemistry
Vyacheslav Olegovich Shvydkiy, Sergey Olegovich Travin, Elena Valentinovna Shtamm, Elena Grigorievna Cheremnykh, Ludmila Vasilievna Semenyak. © 2023. 16 pages.
As human civilization develops, environmental problems arise more and more often. All forms of the environment are consistently exposed to pollution: water, air, and soil. In the...
Handbook of Research on Water Sciences and Society
Ashok Vaseashta, Gheorghe Duca, Sergey Travin. © 2022. 728 pages.
Water supports three basic pillars of our life and survival: safety, security, and sustainability. Hence, it is extremely important to revisit the fundamental characteristics of...
Kinetics and Mechanism of Ecochemical Processes
Sergey Travin. © 2020. 28 pages.
Significant efforts of mankind and huge funds were spent to study the mechanisms of environmental processes. Recent decades have been marked by exponential growth of computer...
Contribution of the “Great Carbon Tracker” in the Dilution of Atmospheric Radiocarbon Emissions
Sergey Travin, Oleg Borisovich Gromov. © 2020. 11 pages.
The general model of global carbon circulation (in particular 14C) have been known for half a century and includes both natural and anthropogenic sources and sinks. The main...
Role of Oxidation-Reduction Processes in Formation of Toxic Properties of Natural Aqueous Environment
Yuri Ivanovich Skurlatov, Elena Valentinovna Shtamm, Sergey Travin, Vyacheslav Olegovich Shvydkiy, Lyudmila Vasilevna Semenyak. © 2020. 15 pages.
Redox processes involving hydrogen peroxide, as oxidizing agent, and compounds of sulfur as carrier of reducing equivalents form the quality of natural waters. The inflow of...