Saurabh Agarwala

Saurabh Agarwala is working as Assistant General Manager in Research and Development division at Engineers India Limited. A Chemical Engineer by qualification, he completed his B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from Meerut University followed by M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis, US. He has over 15 years of work experience including research work in areas such as oil and gas, biomedical engineering and environmental sciences. He has worked extensively on technology development for LPG treatment units and Hydroprocessing of Kerosene streams. He has authored/ co-authored patents in these fields. He holds experience in operations of Gas Cracker plant and has been involved in commissioning & troubleshooting activities for various units. He is also a Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)-India certified Energy Manager and has been involved in Energy Efficiency evaluation of Petrochemical Plants.


Influence of Industry-Academia Collaboration on Technology Maturity and Employment Generation: A Conceptual Framework
Amanpreet Singh Chopra, Sridhar Manohar, Saurabh Agarwala. © 2024. 12 pages.
The university ecosystem has reached a tipping point where these educational hubs are adopting pathways to achieve ‘third mission' of entrepreneurship. These efforts are...