Sara de Freitas

Sara de Freitas is Director of Research at the Serious Games Institute at the University of Coventry where she leads an applied research team working closely with industry. Appointed Professor of Virtual Environments, she holds a visiting senior research fellowship at the London Knowledge Lab, London, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Voted the Most Influential Woman in Technology 2009 and 2010 by US Fast Company, Sara chairs the IEEE Serious Games and Virtual Worlds conferences (VS-Games). Her current lines of research are examining multimodal interfaces, experience design and perceptual modeling in games and virtual worlds towards developing the next generation of intelligent tutoring environments. She is the Scientific Coordinator for the GaLA Network of Excellence in Serious Games funded under FP7.


Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Play Games for Learning
Sara de Freitas, Mark Griffiths. © 2009. 16 pages.
This chapter explores whether massively multiplayer online role-play games (MMORPGs) can be used effectively to support learning and training communities. The chapter aims to...