Sandeep Jagtap

Sandeep Jagtap is affiliated with the Division of Engineering Logistics at Lund University and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Centre at Cranfield University.


Futuristic Technology for Sustainable Manufacturing
Sujit Singh, Sumit Gupta, Sandeep Jagtap. © 2024. 327 pages.
In the manufacturing industry, a major concern persists—the historical entanglement of this sector with environmental issues. Climate change and resource depletion cast a shadow...
Improving Water Efficiency in the Beverage Industry With the Internet of Things
Sandeep Jagtap, George Skouteris, Vilendra Choudhari, Shahin Rahimifard. © 2022. 9 pages.
The food and beverage industry is one of the most water-intensive industries, with water required for various processes (e.g., washing, cooking, cleaning) at almost every stage...