Samrath Singh

Samrath Singh is a student currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. With a fervent passion for innovation and technology, Samrath has actively participated in several competitions to showcase his talents and contribute to societal betterment. One of his notable achievements is his participation in the esteemed IEEE Yesist Junior track, an international event that celebrates innovation and creativity. Here, he demonstrated his compassion and technical acumen by developing Ultrasonic Obstacle Detecting Goggles tailored specifically for the visually impaired. His groundbreaking project not only showcased his technical skills but also highlighted his commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others. For this innovative solution, Samrath received honorable recognition, earning acclaim for his dedication and ingenuity. In addition to his international endeavors, Samrath has also made significant contributions at the local level. He participated in the Inter APS Science Competition, where his innovative spirit shone once again. His project, a wireless firecracker igniter, captured the attention of the judges and earned him the prestigious first prize. His ability to combine technical expertise with creative problem-solving underscores his potential to effect meaningful change in the world. Through his participation in various competitions and projects, Samrath Singh exemplifies the qualities of a forward-thinking innovator, driven by a desire to make a positive difference in society. As he continues his academic journey in Computer Science and Engineering, Samrath remains committed to leveraging technology for the betterment of humanity.


Strategic Deployment of AI and Drones Enhancing Disaster Management in Natural Disasters
Ravinder Singh, Geetha Manoharan, Samrath Singh. © 2024. 32 pages.
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, has revolutionized disaster management practices, particularly in the...