Salvador Montaner-Villalba

Salvador Montaner-VillalbaSalvador Montaner-Villalba is Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics with a special interest in Web 2.0, Flipped Learning, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, and Gamification within Project-Based Language Learning. Dr. Salvador Montaner-Villalba lectures on Open and Educational Resources, Mobile Learning, and Gamification in the classroom, in particular, within the EFL Classroom. Montaner-Villalba is also a Teacher Trainer on ICT and Active Methodologies with a well-consolidated career. He has also been an ESP Lecturer at University. Montaner-Villalba has contributed to prestigious international online universities where he has taught Educational Technology, in all its variables, such as the implementation of Flipped Learning, Mobile Learning, Project-Based Learning, and, currently, Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence in the field of Education.


Telecollaboration Applications in Foreign Language Classrooms
Sofia Di Sarno-García, Salvador Montaner-Villalba, Ana Mª Gimeno-Sanz. © 2023. 374 pages.
In today’s globalized world, telecollaboration offers a valuable tool to foster language learners’ intercultural communicative competence, which is strongly related to pragmatic...