Sai Shreeya Chikati

Sai Shreeya Chikati is an active undergraduate researcher enrolled in the Bachelor of Technology program in Computer Science & Engineering - Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning at the MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India. Focused on artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing and computer vision, she explores frontiers of technology to develop various projects and derive valuable insights from the studies conducted. Some of her projects include OCR to detect Indian languages.


Enhancing Medical Diagnosis Through Multimodal Medical Image Fusion
Kashi Sai Prasad, Meghana Kolli, Bhargavi Linga, Sai Shreeya Chikati, Tiruneswar Veeranki. © 2024. 13 pages.
In the medical domain, multimodal image fusion has emerged as a powerful technique aiming to enhance diagnostic accuracy and clinical decision-making. Image fusion technique...