Ruth Gotian

Dr. Ruth Gotian, Chief Learning Officer, Associate Professor of Education in Anesthesiology and former Assistant Dean for Mentoring at Weill Cornell Medicine, is a globally recognized expert in mentorship and leadership development. Hailed by Nature, Wall Street Journal, and Columbia University as an expert in mentorship and leadership development, she was named a top 20 mentor worldwide. Thinkers50 ranked her as the #1 emerging management thinker in the world in 2021, and LinkedIn recognized her as a top voice in mentoring in 2023. A semi-finalist for Forbes 50 Over 50, Dr. Gotian is a prolific contributor to Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Psychology Today, where she shares insights on 'optimizing success.' With a focus on the mindset and skill set of peak performers, including Nobel Prize winners, astronauts, Olympic and NBA champions, she's also an award-winning author of The Success Factor and The Financial Times Guide to Mentoring.


Handbook of Research on the Efficacy of Training Programs and Systems in Medical Education
Ruth Gotian, Yoon Kang, Joseph Safdieh. © 2020. 566 pages.
The content of medical education knowledge transfer is compounded as medical breakthroughs constantly impact treatment, and new diseases are discovered at an increasingly rapid...
Integrating Cultural Perspectives Into Organizational Learning: An Anecdotal Study in Higher Education
Ruth Gotian. © 2019. 17 pages.
Higher education has a distinct culture. Subsets of this unique culture are found in specific professional schools, including medical, dental, law, and business schools. Just as...
Blended Learning With a Virtual Mentoring Community: Enhancing the Way We Mentor
Ruth Gotian. © 2018. 21 pages.
Mentoring, the tutelage of one person by a more experienced one, is well documented to have a multitude of benefits. Mentoring, which can be traced back to Greek mythology and...