Ruby Vurdien

Ruby Vurdien is the director of White Rose Language School in Spain and has been involved with EFL teaching for over forty years. She holds an MEd and an EdD from the University of Sheffield, UK. She has worked in Mauritius, the Republic of Seychelles, the UK and Spain. From 2016 to 2023 she was the Reviews Editor for Voices, the IATEFL magazine. She is a researcher, an in-service teacher trainer and a speaking examiner for Cambridge English exams. Her research interests focus on telecollaboration and intercultural learning, and the application of ICT to language learning, areas in which she has published several articles and book chapters. She regularly presents her research findings at both national and international conferences. In addition, she has participated in many teacher-training workshops.


Technology-Mediated Language Learning and Teaching
Ruby Vurdien, Wendy Chambers. © 2024. 463 pages.
In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, language educators face the daunting challenge of effectively integrating advanced digital technologies into their teaching...
The Effectiveness of Socrative in Learning Phrasal Verbs Among Spanish EFL Students at Three Different Levels
Ruby Vurdien. © 2024. 34 pages.
The use of applications in language learning to enhance students' performance is worth exploring for its pedagogical implications. Socrative is becoming popular in...
Intercultural Learning via Videoconferencing: Students' Attitudes and Experiences
Ruby Vurdien, Pasi Puranen. © 2020. 20 pages.
Although asynchronous communication tools have traditionally been used in online interactions, recently increasing popularity has been noted in the application of synchronous...
Enhancing Students' Intercultural Competence and Learner Autonomy via Facebook Telecollaboration
Ruby Vurdien, Pasi Puranen. © 2020. 21 pages.
This chapter reports on a Spanish-Finnish telecollaborative task-based study that was conducted with a view to exploring students' intercultural learning experience via...
Enhancing Writing Skills via Mobile Learning and Wikis
Ruby Vurdien. © 2020. 23 pages.
This chapter reports on how a group of advanced EFL students in a private language school in Spain employed their smartphones and wikis to create a learning environment outside...
A Spanish-Finnish Telecollaboration to Develop Intercultural Competence and Learner Autonomy
Ruby Vurdien, Pasi Puranen. © 2019. 19 pages.
Telecollaboration enables students from different geographical locations to interact in a more authentic environment, share their views with their partners, create profiles as...
Mobile Assisted Vocabulary Acquisition and Wikis to Enhance Writing Skills
Ruby Vurdien. © 2019. 24 pages.
This project examined how a group of advanced-level EFL students read articles on their smartphone to acquire new vocabulary which they later inserted in their essays on wikis....
Enhancing Students' Intercultural Competence and Learner Autonomy via Facebook Telecollaboration
Ruby Vurdien, Pasi Puranen. © 2018. 21 pages.
This chapter reports on a Spanish-Finnish telecollaborative task-based study that was conducted with a view to exploring students' intercultural learning experience via...
Intercultural Learning via Videoconferencing: Students' Attitudes and Experiences
Ruby Vurdien, Pasi Puranen. © 2018. 19 pages.
Although asynchronous communication tools have traditionally been used in online interactions, recently increasing popularity has been noted in the application of synchronous...