Rubén Rodriguez Puertas

Rubén Rodriguez Puertas is Doctor with international mention in Migration Studies and Graduate in Sociology from the University of Granada, Spain. Currently, he is Professor and researcher in the Department of Geography, History and Humanities (Sociology area) of the University of Almería, Spain. He is a member of the Indalo Group of Applied Sociology (GISA) and the Center for the Study of Migration and Intercultural Relations (CEMyRI). His main lines of work are research methods, globalization, international migration, youth, and the job market. He has several publications in international publishers and indexed journals (Journal Citation Report, McGraw-Hill, Web of Science, Scopus, etc.). Likewise, it is worth noting his participation in various research projects financed with European funds, among which MUSTIC and INTER4REF stand out.


Deactivated Saltpans: What Are the Consequences for Nature and Tourism Behavior?
Jorge Ramos, Rubén Rodriguez Puertas. © 2023. 19 pages.
In coastal areas, there are economic activities that have been established for some time now – decades or even centuries – which help to maintain not only the local economy, but...