Rubina Moniz Vieira

Rubina Moniz Vieira is a Lecturer of Business and Tourism Management at St. Mary's University and has been lecturing at independent colleges and universities for several years. She has a degree in International Relations from Universidade de Lisboa and a PG Diploma in Written Journalism. Prior to starting a career as a lecturer, Rubina worked as journalist and has written numerous articles about the Tourism and Hospitality industry before completing an MA in Tourism Management at the University of Westminster. She has worked as an associate lecturer for the University of Sunderland and Anglia Ruskin University and completed a PhD on 'Tourism, Diaspora and Mobilities' at Edinburgh Napier University.


Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in the Service Sector
Vipin Nadda, Pankaj Kumar Tyagi, Rubina Moniz Vieira, Priyanka Tyagi. © 2024. 281 pages.
Sustainable Development Goal Advancement Through Digital Innovation in the Service Sector
Vipin Nadda, Pankaj Kumar Tyagi, Rubina Moniz Vieira, Priyanka Tyagi. © 2023. 272 pages.
In a world grappling with sustainability challenges, the service sector is crucial for both the global economy and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite its...
Role of Social Media in Tourism
Vipin K. Nadda, Sumesh Singh Dadwal, Dirisa Mulindwa, Rubina Moniz Vieira. © 2015. 21 pages.
Revolutionary development in field of communication and information technology have globally opened new avenue of marketing tourism and hospitality products. Major shift in web...