Rita Devi

Rita Devi currently working as Assistant Professor at HPKV Business School, Central University of Himachal Pradesh. Her area of Specialization is HRM and OB. She has 7 Years of teaching and research experience. She has been meritorious throughout her studies and was awarded JRF for pursuing her Ph.D. degree. She has published various research papers in peer reviewed/UGC listed journals. She has participated in different national and international conferences. She has also attended numerous faculty development programs along with workshops. Her research interest area is leadership, organization development, cross-cultural management and emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship.


Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership: Future Research Trends Using Bibliometric Analysis
Rachna Bhopal, Rita Devi. © 2023. 16 pages.
Emotional intelligence is the individual's ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and to influence the emotions of others. In an organization...