Risolene Alves Macena Araújo

Risolene Araújo is a PhD in Accounting Sciences at the Graduate Program - PPGCC/UFPB. Professor of Accounting Sciences at the Federal University of Pará – UFPA.


Exploring the Link Between Corporate Governance and R&D Investments on Brazilian Listed Companies
Yago da Silva Teixeira, Lívia Maria da Silva Santos, Risolene Alves de Macena Araújo, Adriana Rodrigues Silva. © 2024. 14 pages.
Research and development (R&D) are an important issue for companies in a wide range of sectors, as they generate innovation, productivity, and sustainability, which are important...
Extinction Accounting: An Analysis of Petrobras' Voluntary Disclosure
Bianca Moraes Fernandes, Adriana Rodrigues Silva, Risolene Alves Macena Araújo, Rui Costa Robalo. © 2023. 20 pages.
This chapter analyses the extinction accounting within Petrobras' integrated report and its sustainability report. To accomplish this, the authors have scrutinized the...
Contingent Factors and Sustainable Practices in the Amazon: An Analysis of Riverside Restaurants on Ilha do Combu/PA
Risolene Alves de Macena Araújo, Adriana Rodrigues Silva, Nicoly Sousa Santos. © 2023. 20 pages.
The study aims to analyse the influence of contingency factors on sustainable practices in restaurants on Combú Island, Pará. A survey and interviews were conducted using a...