Renee Sartin

Renee Sartin

Dr. Sharon Renee Sartin is currently a full-time Associate Professor in the Social Work Program in a Christian faith-based university, Campbellsville University. She has been a dedicated employee of the university since 2013 and serves as a full-time online instructor for MSW and BSW students. Before joining Campbellsville University, Dr. Sartin held the position of Assistant Professor at Kentucky State University (KSU) for four years, after retiring from the Cabinet for Health and Families Services in the Department for Community Based Services as one of nine Service Region Administrators in the state of Kentucky. During her time at KSU, she taught undergraduate courses and served as the Field Director. Her experience in academia allowed her to impart her knowledge and expertise to aspiring social work professionals. Dr. Sartin serves on the National Association of Social Workers – KY (NASW) Board of Directors and has been for six years. Dr. Sartin's journey as a grief mentor is deeply personal. As a mother who tragically lost her son to gun violence, she has firsthand experience with grief and its impact on individuals and families. This personal loss has motivated her to become involved in grief mentoring services and support for others who are going through similar experiences. She, along with her family, initially founded "From Grief to Growth" to provide support and guidance. She later expanded her involvement by volunteering with First Hour Grief Response, where she received training to become a grief mentor and coach. Building on her training, experience and passion, Dr. Sartin has co-founded an agency called "Always Improving More." This agency specifically focuses on providing grief mentoring and coaching services to individuals in need living in Louisville. Their goal is to offer comprehensive support by addressing not only grief but also the surrounding challenges that hinder personal growth. The agency aims to connect individuals with necessary resources and assistance to overcome obstacles and move forward in their healing journey.


Impact of Gun Violence in School Systems
Jeffrey Herron, Sharon R. Sartin. © 2024. 292 pages.
The United States is a nation that has been facing a crisis of violence within its school system for decades. This disruptive and traumatic phenomenon has had lasting impacts on...
Addressing Violence in the U.S. Public School System
Jeffrey D. Herron, Sharon R. Sartin, Joseph Budd. © 2023. 310 pages.
Over the past several years, American educational institutions have seen an increase in violence in general, but more specifically, gun violence by students. There have been many...
Addressing Violence in the U.S. Public School System: The Trauma Behind School Shootings
S. Renee Sartin. © 2023. 22 pages.
This chapter will discuss specific mass school shootings that occurred in areas throughout the United States, beginning with the Columbine School shooting in 1999. This chapter...
Potential Causes of Mass School Shooting Incidents: A Look Into Bullying, Mental Illness, and Zero-Tolerance Policies
Joseph R. Budd, Jeffrey Herron, Renee Sartin. © 2021. 17 pages.
Over the past several years, American educational institutions have seen an increase in gun violence by students. This increase has erupted calls for stricter gun control and...
Potential Causes of Mass School Shooting Incidents: A Look Into Bullying, Mental Illness, and Zero-Tolerance Policies
Joseph R. Budd, Jeffrey Herron, Renee Sartin. © 2020. 17 pages.
Over the past several years, American educational institutions have seen an increase in gun violence by students. This increase has erupted calls for stricter gun control and...