Rana Öztürk

Rana Öztürk has completed her Ph.D. with her thesis Narratives of Global Modernity: International Contemporary Art Exhibitions as Places for Mapping Relational Geographies at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin in 2015. She has also been a research scholar at the Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media (GradCAM) throughout her doctoral studies. Besides her academic work, until now she has also worked as a curator, coordinator, editor, and translator for various organizations and art events. Her most recent curatorial work Sinopale's Relational Atlas took place as a series of online events and artistic work as part of Sinopale 8, International Sinop Biennial in Turkey (January-June 2022). Previously, she curated Tempo Incognito: On Flows, Rhythm, and Movements, at Depo İstanbul in 2021, she co-curated with Sinem Dişli Repetition & Cycle Talks and Performance Series I & II at SALT Galata, Istanbul (October 2017 & March 2018) and curated Carpe Noctem, a solo photography exhibition by Aslı Narin at Milli Reasürans Art Gallery in İstanbul (2018), We All Live on the Same Sea at Sirius Art Centre, Ireland (2014), Temporarily Shelved as part of the 3rd International Sinop Biennial in Turkey (2010) (co-curated with Vaari Claffey), and Slow Space Fast Pace as part of Cork Art Trail, Ireland (2007). Since 2018, she has been working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of New Media and Communication at İstinye University in Istanbul.


An Investigation of the Visitor's Spatial Experience in Virtual Exhibitions
Rana Öztürk, Simge Esin Orhun. © 2024. 22 pages.
Along with the technological advancements in the digitalisation of physical objects and spaces, the COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent necessity for cultural institutions to...