Ramona Birau

Ramona Birau is a Lecturer on the Faculty of Education Science, Law and Public Administration at the Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, Romania. Dr. Birau has more than 10 years experience as Superior Financial Inspector at the Regional Public Finances General Directorate of Craiova, Romania. In addition, she is the Editor in Chief of both the International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research (IJBEMR) and the International Journal of Core Engineering and Management (iJCEM), India. Dr. Ramona Birau was appointed as Registrar of the British American University (BAU), Florida, USA starting February 2019. In 2018 she joined the Academic Council of Adarsh Institute of Management and Information Technology, Bangalore, India and the International Advisory Board (IAB) of CT University, India. Dr. Ramona Birau has published more than 100 research papers in journals and conference proceedings and has authored/co-authored 6 books. She became a Doctor of Cybernetics and Statistics in 2013 at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration with a Ph.D. thesis titled, “Modeling and prediction of emerging capital markets.” Currently, she is following her second doctorate (PhD) in the field of Sociology at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences. Her current research interests include financial markets, economics, cybernetics and statistics, quantitative finance, financial econometrics, behavioral psychology, economic sociology, management. Dr. Birau has also served as a teaching assistant during 2010-2012 and 2014-2015 at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Apart from that she is also a member of the Romanian Body of Chartered and Certified Accountants since 2012. She has a Master's degree in Finance, specialization Analysis and Financial Evaluation of Organizations and another one in the field of Administrative Sciences, specialization European Public Administration.


Investigating the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Perceived Attitudes Toward Health Insurance in the Minds of Youth: A Case Study for India
Sharan Kumar Shetty, Cristi Spulbar, Birău Ramona. © 2024. 67 pages.
Health insurance is one of the most essential techniques that can assist in the utilization of health coverage and provide protection to the life of policy holders. However, in...
A Sustainable Approach on Metaverse in Education: A SCOPUS-Based Bibliometric Analysis to Test TMIOS
Prasad Kulkarni, Alok Gaddi, Birău Ramona, Virgil Popescu, Virupakshi Hiremath, Shivashankar K., Sharan Kumar Shetty, Shivanand Kagawade. © 2024. 23 pages.
The phrase “metaverse” refers to a fully immersive, three-dimensional virtual environment that could be accessible online. It uses extended reality technologies, including...
A Holistic Study on India's Sustainable Economic Development and Global Challenges: An ARDL Analysis of Agriculture, Industries, Services, and Trade in the Context of World Development
Santosh Kumar, Bharat Kumar Meher, Birău Ramona, Virgil Popescu, Abhishek Anand. © 2024. 21 pages.
This book chapter reviews the long-term impact of Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP), Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP)...
Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism in Romania Over the Period 2001 to 2012: A BVAR Analysis
Cristi Spulbar, Ramona Birau. © 2023. 13 pages.
This chapter aims to provide additional empirical evidence on monetary policy transmission mechanism in Romania over the period 2001 to 2012 based on a BVAR analysis with a KoKo...
Analysis of the Monetary Policy Dynamics in Romania Using a Structural Vector Autoregressive Model
Cristi Spulbar, Ramona Birau. © 2023. 12 pages.
This chapter aims to provide an elaborate empirical analysis of the monetary policy dynamics in Romania using a structural vector autoregressive model. This chapter contributes...
Inflation Inertia and Inflation Persistence in Romania Using a DSGE Approach
Cristi Spulbar, Ramona Birau. © 2023. 11 pages.
The main purpose of this chapter is to investigate monetary policy dynamics, as well as the inflation inertia and inflation persistence in Romania using a DSGE approach. The...
The Effects of Cybercrime on the Banking Sector in ASEAN
Cristi Spulbar, Ramona Birau. © 2020. 19 pages.
The main objective of this chapter is to investigate the effects of cybercrime on the banking sector in ASEAN. Global challenges on the evolution of cybercrime are in continuous...
Emerging Research on Monetary Policy, Banking, and Financial Markets
Cristi Spulbar, Ramona Birau. © 2019. 322 pages.
As more and more emerging markets seek to compete in an ever-growing pool of global competitors, rapidly growing economies are consistently running into issues relating to the...
Understanding the Importance of the Banking System in the Romanian Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Cristi Spulbar, Birău Ramona, Jatin Trivedi. © 2019. 16 pages.
This chapter aims to provide an exhaustive overview of the importance of banking system in Romanian tourism and hospitality industry. Romania is a member of the European Union...