Ramamani Tripathy

Ramamani Tripathy Chitkara University School of Engineering & Technology, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, India. ramamani.tripathy@chitkarauniversity.edu.in


The Transnational ICT Leadership Assessment Based on the Available Infrastructure in the Governmental Organizations: A Case Study of the Ethiopian Northern Shewa Zone
Nilamadhab Mishra, Getachew Mekuria Habtemariam, Seblewongel Esseynew, Rudra Kalyan Nayak, Ramamani Tripathy, Basanta Kumar Padhi. © 2024. 22 pages.
The effectiveness, efficiency, and security of ICT-monitored systems are assessed as part of the Transnational ICT Leadership Assessment, which is based on the infrastructure...
Unveiling the Effectiveness of ML Models for Predicting Forex Trends: An AI-ML-Driven Service Into Trade Marketing
Manan Sodha, Rudra Kalyan Nayak, Nilamadhab Mishra, Santosh Kumar Tripathy, Ramamani Tripathy, Hakam Singh. © 2024. 30 pages.
The authors explore the integration of AI-ML-driven technologies into service marketing, examining their transformative impact on customer engagement, personalization, and...
An In-Depth Examination of the Application Gap and Infrastructure Landscape of Information Communication Technology in Ethiopian Public Organizations: A Bridging the Divide Case
Nilamadhab Mishra, Rudra Kalyan Nayak, Getachew Mekuria Habtemariam, Ramamani Tripathy, Seblewongel Esseynew, Anand Motwani, Saroja Kumar Rout. © 2024. 26 pages.
This case-based analysis delves into the intricate web of challenges surrounding the adoption and utilization of information communication technology (ICT) in Ethiopian...
Predicting ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters Using Rough Set and Random Forest Model
Rudra Kalyan Nayak, Ramamani Tripathy. © 2023. 21 pages.
In reality, all homosapiens species benefit greatly from the function of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter proteins. Many studies have focused specifically on the drug...