Ramakrishna Yanamandra

Ramakrishna Yanamandra is an Associate Dean of Undergraduate Program and Associate Profes sor in School of Business of Skyline University College, Sharjah, UAE. He is a PhD in Supply Chain Management from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, India. Histeaching, research and consultancy areas include Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Operations Manage ment,LeanManagement andQualityManagement.He has presented in reputed international conferences and published articles in leading journals.


Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovation Through Business Incubation
Logaiswari Indiran, Ramakrishna Yanamandra. © 2025. 400 pages.
In today's rapidly evolving economic landscape, business incubation has become a pivotal mechanism for fostering entrepreneurship and driving innovation. By offering...
Ramakrishna Yanamandra, Siti Norida Wahab. © 2023. 5 pages.
This Preface is included in the book Handbook of Research on Designing Sustainable Supply Chains to Achieve a Circular Economy.
Handbook of Research on Designing Sustainable Strategies to Develop Entrepreneurial Intention
Ramakrishna Yanamandra, Logaiswari Indiran. © 2023. 642 pages.
The Handbook of Research on Designing Sustainable Strategies to Develop Entrepreneurial Intention is a comprehensive book that addresses the issue of entrepreneurial intention...
Supply Chain Planning to Achieve Resilience Capabilities
Sowmya Sangaraju, Yanamandra Ramakrishna. © 2022. 20 pages.
Supply chain resilience (SCR) has emerged as a buzz word during the COVID-19 pandemic situation. With the emerging digital technologies and methodologies, optimizing SCM has...
Revamping Reverse Logistics to Enhance Customer Satisfaction
Leena Wanganoo, Rajesh Tripathi, Ramakrishna Yanamandra. © 2022. 20 pages.
The cross-border reverse logistics operations are different from forward logistics. They are complex and fragmented due to multiple intermediaries participating in the operation....