Priscilla W. Wachira

Priscilla Wachira is a Nationally Certified Counselor, a Licensed Professional Counselor. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology with a minor in Spanish/Behavior Analysis from the University of North Texas and a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health from Texas Woman’s University. Her research interests include health equity as it pertains to women’s health, and exploring the stigma of mental health within the African, immigrant community. She believes that people begin to heal the moment they feel seen for whom they are & heard! This healing results from a safe environment (space) that is created to provide emotional healing and connection instead of judgment or shame.


Major Depressive Disorder Among African-Americans
Elizabeth Wachira, Priscilla W. Wachira, Rahmatu Kassimu. © 2023. 19 pages.
Major depressive depression is a common but serious mood disorder, and the leading cause of disability globally. It is associated with poorer physical health and higher rates of...