Piero Dominici

Piero Dominici (PhD), Associate Professor, Sociologist, Philosopher, Educator and Systems Thinker, is Scientific Director of CHAOS (2011) - International Research and Education Programme on “Complex Human Adaptive Organizations and Systems” - and Official Delegate to UNESCO. UNESCO Innovation Police Lab Expert, Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) and of the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), he is one the experts selected in the SciArt JRC Group of the European Commission. UN Expert and invited speaker,he is Director (Scientific Listening) at the Global Listening Center. Vice President of the World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA) and Member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), he teaches at the University of Perugia and he is a referee for prestigious scientific journals worldwide. As scientific researcher, educator,author and international speaker for almost thirty years,his main areas of expertise and interest encompass (hyper)complexity, complex systems, transdisciplinarity and knowledge sharing in the fields of education, higher education, systems theory, technology, intelligence, security,democracy.


Anatomies and Dynamics of the Society-Mechanism: Among Myths of Simplification, Facilitation, and Disintermediation
Piero Dominici. © 2024. 32 pages.
It was post-modernity that first told us that facts were now to be considered interpretations, whereupon the value of theorization diminished to the point where theories became...