Piao Yang

Piao Yang, an esteemed figure in the realm of Biological Sciences, has achieved notable academic and professional milestones. Educational Background: Yang's academic journey culminated in earning the highest degree of Ph.D. in Plant Pathology, awarded by The Ohio State University, a prestigious university known for its rigorous academic standards and contributions to research in the field. Current Position and Affiliation: As of now, Dr. Yang holds the position of postdoc fellow in the Department of Molecular Genetics at the College of Arts and Sciences, The Ohio State University. This role signifies a significant milestone in Dr. Yang's career, reflecting a deep commitment to academic excellence and research in molecular genetics. Academic Contributions: Over the years, Dr. Yang's academic journey has been marked by a series of significant contributions to the field of Biological Sciences. These include publication of 17 peer-reviewed articles and 1 book chapter. Dr. Yang's work has not only advanced the understanding of plant-microbe interactions but also opened new avenues for further research and exploration in molecular genetics. The impact of these contributions is evident in the numerous citations and recognitions received from the academic community. Dr. Yang's dedication to research and academia continues to inspire and influence both peers and students in the field, contributing significantly to the advancement of molecular genetics and related areas of study.


Critical Developments in Cancer Immunotherapy
Mohsen Sheykhhasan, Piao Yang, Naresh Poondla. © 2025. 300 pages.
Cancer still poses a significant challenge in healthcare since traditional treatments often fail to produce desired results and patient outcomes. Conventional therapies, like...