Petronela Cozma

Petronela Cozma is Lecturer within the Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, “Cristofor Simionescu” Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection - Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania. Research areas: environmental biotechnology (heavy metals biosorption, bioaccumulation, phytoremediation, phytomining), environmental risk, sustainable industrial production, waste treatment; Authorship: 7 books and chapters, 46 papers in WoS journals+proceedings, 19 papers in other journals included in international databases (others than WoS), over 150 presentations at scientific events, 2 national patents; Memberships in organizations and professional groups: Academic Organization of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development; Environmental Engineering and Impact Assessment Research Center; FEMS (Federation of European Microbiological Societies); EFB (European Federation of Biotechnology); Member of Editorial Production and Secretariat of: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal (JIF/2022=1.1); Bachelor/Master Thesis Supervisor: Environmental Engineering; Member in research grants: national grants 7; international 2; project director: 1 (Mobility projects for experienced researchers from the diaspora); Visibility: Over 309 citations (WoS), Hirsch index H=11 (WoS) (Scopus: over 355 citations, H=11; Google Academic: over 771 citations, H=16); Prizes: 14 international prizes; 7 awarding of research results; Web sites: , , , .


Mathematical Modeling of Microbial Bioremediation: A Key Step in Process Scale-Up
Mihaela Rosca, Petronela Cozma, Maria Gavrilescu. © 2024. 35 pages.
Biosorption is a method that holds great promise for environmental bioremediation. However, the process mechanism is not yet fully comprehended as it relies heavily on the...