Pedro M. Romero-Fernández

Pedro M. Romero-Fernández , PhD, is a professor in the Human Resources area of the Business Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business. His teaching experience (over 20 years) covers an extensive background: Strategy, Human Resources, Organizational Behaviour, and Personnel Management. He has published in the field of Human Resource Management in highly prestigious journals like the International Journal of Human Resource Management, British Journal of Management, and the Journal of Business Research.


Institutionalisation of Sustainability: The HR Manager as a Strategic Entrepreneur in Its Adoption
Jesús Barrena-Martínez, Macarena López-Fernández, Pedro M. Romero-Fernández, Margarita Ruiz-Rodriguez. © 2023. 18 pages.
Contributing to sustainability no longer remains an optional activity. Institutional pressures exert a major influence on organisations towards the adoption of sustainability....
Managerial Competencies for Multinational Businesses
Macarena López-Fernández, Pedro M. Romero-Fernández. © 2019. 364 pages.
There is a growing interaction between companies and countries, illustrated by a constant flow of trade, capital, and work. With the rapid emergence of other countries with...