Patrícia Silva

Patricia Silva is a Nurse Specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing in the Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa. Master student in the course Master's degree in Management of Organizations - branch Health Care Unit, in Escola Superior of Health of the Polytechnic of Porto, is developing the work of dissertation master's degree in the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Laboratory with joint affiliation between the Escola Superior de Saúde and Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto.


Telemonitoring in Heart Failure Patient Management
Patrícia Silva, Paulo Veloso Gomes, Jorge M Condeço, Henrique Curado, Rita Veloso. © 2024. 18 pages.
Heart failure is a highly prevalent clinical syndrome, associated with high costs to the national health system and with a negative impact on patients' quality of life. In...