Onur Çelen

Onur Çelen graduated from tourism management with a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in tourism management. He has PhD degree in tourism management at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University (Ankara, Turkey) in 2022. He has been working as a lecturer at Bursa Uludağ University (Bursa, Turkey) since 2017. His research areas include tourism management, tourism marketing and sustainable tourism. He continues to work on articles and book chapters and conference presentations in national and international fields.


Technology Paradox in the Tourism Industry: Technostress Perspective
Nilgün Demirel III, Onur Çelen. © 2023. 17 pages.
The aim of this chapter is to reveal technology paradox, and technostress concepts' effects in tourism industry. In the research the impact of the technology on the tourism...