Nuno Sotero Alves da Silva

Nuno Sotero Alves da Silva is working on a PhD in Computer Ethics and Education at De Montfort University, Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, under the supervision of Professor Simon Rogerson and Professor Bernd Stahl. Plus, he holds a BEng in Computer Science and a Master in E-Business and IT. He is also a lecturer and IT Manager in Lusíada University of Lisbon, Portugal and a reviewer for the International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education. Current research areas are ethical and social issues in e-learning, bionanotecnhology or computer happiness, as his published work in journals (e.g. Information Systems Frontiers), chapters in books (e.g. Handbook of Research on Developments in E-Health and Telemedicine), and conferences (e.g. ETHICOMP 2011) demonstrates.


Ethical Dimensions of Bio-Nanotechnology: Present and Future Applications in Telemedicine
Nuno Sotero Alves da Silva, Goncalo Jorge Morais da Costa. © 2013. 321 pages.
The concepts of human and therapy have been evolving and generating profound changes for enhancement, leading to a necessary debate surrounding its potential boundaries. Ethical...
The Evolution of E-learning Management Systems: An Ethical Approach
Nuno Sotero Alves da Silva, Gonçalo Jorge Morais da Costa, Mary Prior, Simon Rogerson. © 2012. 13 pages.
The development of educational technologies is enhancing a distinctive feature of learning environments: the learner’s personalized environment. However, the current literature...
Glocality, Diversity and Ethics of Distributed Knowledge in Higher Education
Nuno Sotero Alves da Silva, Isabel Maria Surdinho Borges Alvarez, Simon Rogerson. © 2011. 29 pages.
Global networks through distributed systems technology granted a new meaning to knowledge creation, storage and distribution within higher education context. This global...
The Evolution of E-learning Management Systems: An Ethical Approach
Nuno Sotero Alves da Silva, Gonçalo Jorge Morais da Costa, Mary Prior, Simon Rogerson. © 2011. 13 pages.
The development of educational technologies is enhancing a distinctive feature of learning environments: the learner’s personalized environment. However, the current literature...