Nino Tchanturia

Nino Tchanturia has successfully graduated from Guram Tavartkiladze University, Faculty of Business Management - Marketing. In the same year, she enrolled with full funding and successfully graduated from the Armenian Agrarian University and received a dual degree from ANAU and Texas A&M University. Since 2015, she has been working in various companies in the direction of marketing. At this stage, she is interested in e-commerce and digital marketing and successfully trades on various electronic platforms. Affiliated Assistant Professor of the International Teaching University of Georgia since 2022. Doctoral student of Caucasus International University. Conducts training on Amazon and e-commerce


Harnessing Data Analytics and Marketing Intelligence for Sustainable Marketing Innovation
Nino Tchanturia, Rusudan Dalakishvili. © 2024. 20 pages.
Amidst swiftly evolving consumer behaviors and environmental concerns, businesses must innovate marketing strategies sustainably. This chapter delves into the role of data...
Why Do We Need Sustainable Digital Marketing?
Nino Tchanturia, Rusudan Dalakishvili. © 2023. 15 pages.
The conventional approach to business is not eco-friendly, and as the issue of climate change intensifies, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact...