Nikki Logan

Nikki Logan is a Professor at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. She is the coordinator of the special education program in the School of Education and a co-adviser for the UWSP Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC). She was a recipient of the University Excellence in Teaching Award and and the University Leadership Mentor Award. Nikki's research interests include University-School Clinical Experience Partnerships, Graduate and Undergraduate Perceptions in College Courses, and Current Events, including Teacher and Parent Experiences during Remote Learning due to COVID-19.


Helping With the Special Educator Shortage in Rural Schools: A Teacher Preparation Program's Journey
Nikki Logan, Rosemary Francsis, Sydni Merrill, Aaron Dieckman. © 2023. 21 pages.
University-district partnerships have the potential to disrupt inequities in rural special education programs, build community engagement, and create new pathways for recruitment...