Neslihan Sevik

Neslihan Sevik works at Kocaeli University. She has a PhD degree from Management Sciences at Kocaeli University. She studies on organizational culture, identity, organizational reputation, employee relationship.


The Role of Green Brands on Achieving 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (2030 SDGs)
Seda Yıldırım, Neslihan Sevik, Vinay Kandpal, Durmus Cagrı Yıldırım. © 2024. 22 pages.
The 2030 agenda has given many roles and responsibilities to individuals, governments, and private enterprises in the long term. To achieve a sustainable future, a great and...
Sustainable Enterprises Post COVID-19 Pandemic: The Rise of Sustainable Fashion Enterprises
Neslihan Sevik, Seda Yıldırım. © 2023. 17 pages.
The 2030 sustainable development goals have imposed many roles and responsibilities on individuals, governments, and businesses. Individuals and institutions must fulfill their...