Neha Ahirwar

Neha Ahirwar completed her undergraduate studies in Forensic Science at Bundelkhand University, where she graduated with top honors and a keen interest in Forensic Science. She qualified her Net/JRF exam in 2020 and currently working as Research Scholar in Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Institute of Forensic Science and Criminology, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi and has 2 years of total teaching and research experience. She continuously working in the field of research and development.


AI-Driven Approaches to Reshape Forensic Practices: Automating the Tedious, Augmenting the Astute
Anu Singla, Shashi Shekhar, Neha Ahirwar. © 2024. 33 pages.
Forensic investigation is ushering into a new era of transformation propelled by rapid technological developments and innovations. The criminals are getting smarter, and crimes...