Nazmi Dinçer

Nazmi Dinçer is a dedicated English instructor at the Turkish National Defence University, Air Force Academy and a Ph.D. candidate in Educational Technology at Bahçeşehir University. With years of experience in the Department of Foreign Languages, he specializes in training prospective pilots to communicate effectively with air traffic controllers in accordance with ICAO standards. His research is rooted in the intersection of educational technology and foreign language education, delving into areas such as distance education, multimedia learning, artificial intelligence, and game-based learning


Generative AI Soaring in the Skies: New Horizons in Aviation English
Nazmi Dinçer, Gökhan Demirdöken. © 2024. 23 pages.
Several regulations in the aviation industry have been made by authorities to minimize the incidents due to language barriers; however, a more reasonable solution lies in...
A Qualitative Journey on Instructors' Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence in EFL Education
Nazmi Dincer, Samet Bal. © 2024. 23 pages.
Artificial intelligence influences education, particularly language instruction. Despite its expanding attention, few studies have examined teachers' views on AI in...