Nazif Ekin Akalan

Ekin Akalan received the B.S. degree in 1995 from the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, and the Ph.D. degree in 2007 from Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Bosporus University, Turkey. He serves currently as an Associate Professor at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, and Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul University. His research areas are gait analysis, biomechanics, orthopedic biomechanics, rehabilitation and neurodegenerative diseases.


Design, Manufacture, and Selection of Ankle-Foot-Orthoses
Hasan Kemal Surmen, Nazif Ekin Akalan, Yunus Ziya Arslan. © 2019. 17 pages.
Ankle-foot-orthoses (AFOs) are externally applied assistive devices that are prescribed to the patients with neuromuscular dysfunctions in order to improve abnormal lower limb...
Design, Manufacture, and Selection of Ankle-Foot-Orthoses
Hasan Kemal Surmen, Nazif Ekin Akalan, Yunus Ziya Arslan. © 2018. 16 pages.