Natalia Bolocan

Natalia Bolocan , born in Moldova to a family of doctors, discovered her passion about science in early childhood. Driven by the desire to tackle the mystery of how the matter is organized at the most intimate level, and how living cells use chemical compounds as building blocks, messengers, and energy carriers, Natalia chose chemistry for her professional life, and successfully defended her PhD in Physical Chemistry in 2023. For the last 15 years, she has been involved in the synthesis, characterization, and study of novel antioxidant compounds with potential applications in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Her activity implies experimental, as well as computational research, and the key interests are related to the computational design and study of novel organic compounds with useful properties.


Dihydroxyfumaric Acid: A Review of Transformations, New Derivatives, Importance, and Applications
Natalia Bolocan, Gheorghe Duca. © 2023. 26 pages.
This chapter presents a review of the research that was conducted on a natural antioxidant - dihydroxyfumaric acid in the frames of the laboratory of physical and quantum...