Nana Noviana Nadarsyah

Nana Nadarsyah was born in Banjarmasin, January 10, 1977. The author currently works at the Regional Research and Development Agency of South Kalimantan Province as a researcher with public health expertise and is a Non-Permanent Lecturer at the Midwifery Academy. Previously, the author was assigned to work in health services both at the Puskesmas and at the Government Hospital. The author completed his Masters in Health Promotion at Diponegoro University, Semarang with a specialization in Reproductive Health and HIV / AIDS in 2012. In 2019 the author has completed his doctoral education in Public Administration at Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia. In 2021 accept Scientific Research Awards from Research Culture Society (Scientific Research Association)


Double Burden and Gender Disparity: Women Diamond Miners Contribute to the Family Economy
Nana Noviana Nadarsyah. © 2023. 8 pages.
Gender issues are problems that often occur in social life in society by separating definitions based on biological and physical characteristics. A discriminatory culture limits...
In Cultural Perspective: Sexuality and Gender Performance
Nana Noviana Nadarsyah, Hary Priyanto Priyanto. © 2023. 12 pages.
Gender is a social attribute regarding beliefs and ways of thinking about roles, rights, and responsibilities related to the formation of one's character in creating power in...
Interventions to Improve Education Indicators Based on the Dynamic System Scenario Model
Nana Noviana Nadarsyah, Sri Setyati Setyati. © 2023. 7 pages.
Equal education is one option that requires more attention in efforts to improve RLS. Equality is a policy for workers who do not have a certain education certificate. The most...
Reform of Education Services for Adolescents Through Digital Technology: HIV/AIDS Prevention
Nana Noviana Nadarsyah. © 2022. 9 pages.
The problem of HIV/AIDS cases affects the number of human resources in education such as teachers, administrators, principals who are reduced due to illness or death. Increasing...
Decentralization of Policy in Health Services Through the Public and Private Partnership
Nana Noviana Nadarsyah, Hary Priyanto Priyanto. © 2022. 16 pages.
Public service is a government management system to maintain and improve the health status of the community. The role of health service organizations is very necessary for the...
Human Resources and Digital Media Determinism in Sustainable Reproductive Health Services
Nana Noviana Nadarsyah. © 2022. 11 pages.
The development of increasingly advanced technology has contributed to the dissemination of information. The simplicity of information on social media can be accessed by anyone...