Mustapha Chaffai

Mustapha Chaffai is working in the high business school of sfax, Dr. Chaffai is an experienced finance Teacher in the University of Sfax, he have a teaching experience in many fields mainly portfolio management, Behavioral finance and investment decision. He is specialized in Portfolio selection and Decision-making in a risky universe and Islamic finance. Chaffai Mustapha have many contributions in research, he has presented paper in Turkey, Morocco et he participates in conferences organized by the ERF. research contribution includes publications in many indexed journals: MDPI (International Journal of Financial Studies), Emerald (Revue of Behavioral Finance, International journal of Islamic and middle eastern finance and management). Revue of behavioral Finance and China Finance Revue International.


Islamic Finance and Fintech: A Scoping Review
Nitish Kumar Minz, Nikhat Mushir, Sunita Tanwar, Mustapha Chaffai. © 2024. 21 pages.
The cohabitation of Financial Technology (FinTech) and Islamic Finance have far-reaching implications for the global financial market. This bibliographic review surveys pivotal...