Mustafa Gülsün

Mustafa Gülsin was born in Muş in 1985. After completing primary and high school here, he completed his undergraduate education at Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration in 2011, and his Master's degree in Communication Sciences at İnönü University in 2020. After completing his undergraduate education, he worked as a teacher at the Ministry of National Education for 1 year and at a financial institution for 1 year, and then started working as a lecturer at Muş Alparslan University Malazgirt Vocational School in 2015. He is currently performing this duty and continues his PhD studies at Erzurum Atatürk University, Social Sciences Institute, Department of Communication. His areas of interest include cinema, film analysis and advertising analysis, and he conducts academic studies in the fields of cinema and communication.


Turkish Origin Directors Living in Europe and Their Perspectives on Cinema
Gülbuğ Erol, Mustafa Gülsün. © 2024. 11 pages.
Cinema has replaced every story. This study tries to reveal the filmographies of Turkish directors living abroad in the contemporary Turkish cinema period. This study is...
Global Airline THY's Advertising and Corporate Communication Activities on YouTube During COVID-19 and After
Ebru Gülbuğ Erol, Mustafa Gülsün. © 2022. 17 pages.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been going on since March 2020, advertising and corporate communication activities had to aim to influence the masses with more effective...
Reconsidering Gender Stereotypes Through Bollywood Cinema: Reconsidering Bollywood Movie Dangal
Ebru Gülbuğ Erol, Mustafa Gülsün. © 2021. 17 pages.
The concept of gender determines the biological sex of an individual by birth. However, according to the understanding of gender, there are basic codes for men and women, and...