M. Shamshi Hassan

M. Shamshi Hassan is working as Assistant professor at Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science, Albaha University, Saudi Arabia. He has done his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Chonbuk National University, South Korea. After PhD he has been awarded Postdoctoral Fellowship by Textile and Fiber Engineering Department of CBNU, South Korea. He has been an active researcher, obtained prestigious grants and has published more than 70 ISI research publications and has one patent (Korean patent). He has 5 book chapters and contributed in various National and International conferences. His research interest includes synthesis of Pure and Hybrid metal oxides (Quantum dots, nanocrystals, 1D, 2D, 3-dimensional and flower shaped morphology) nanostructured materials or nanofibers and their applications in photocatalysis, supercapacitor and as biological/chemical disinfectants.


Innovative Approaches for Nanobiotechnology in Healthcare Systems
Touseef Amna, M. Shamshi Hassan. © 2022. 424 pages.
Innovative and fusion technologies have shown an incredible ability to improve various aspects of society, such as healthcare systems. Nanobiotechnology is one such technology...