Monica Galassi

Monica Galassi is a researcher at the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research (JIIER) and a PhD student at the School of International Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FAAS), University of Technology Sydney (UTS). With a background in cultural anthropology, Monica has worked in the Australian cultural sector on several projects and initiatives to support Aboriginal self-determination and sovereignty in libraries and archives. Her practice and research interests focus on the importance of people having the right to access and manage their cultural heritage materials, recognizing that this is a key driver for social justice. Her current work focuses on supporting Aboriginal data sovereignty on Country and across collecting institutions. In 2020, Monica was awarded a Research Excellence Scholarship to undertake doctoral studies in the field of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander archival records that have been displaced in Italy.


Challenging the Silences: Leading Change to Support Indigenous Representation and Priorities in Australian Libraries
Kirsten Thorpe, Monica Galassi, Lauren Booker, Tracy Barber. © 2023. 22 pages.
The complex history of Indigenous and colonizer relations in Australia has significantly impacted the terms of engagement between Indigenous peoples with libraries and archives....