Mohd Fikri Yazan

Mohd Fikri Yazan is a Senior Assistant Director at The National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) Perak. He obtained his Doctoral degree from Universiti Utara Malaysia. He has a Neuro Linguistic Psychotherapy (NLPt) Certificate (KAD-Malaysia) and a Trainer recognized by the Human Resource Development Fund (PSMB/HRDF). His areas of interest include parenting, motivational, spiritual, and religious.


Characteristics of Digital Resilience of Children Post COVID-19 in the Malaysian Context
Norsiah Abdul Hamid, Sabrina Mohd Rashid, Mohd Fikri Yazan, Noor Azlina Amin. © 2024. 22 pages.
In the past twenty years, Malaysian children have increasingly embraced digital media. Even prior to the pandemic, parental concerns regarding online safety grew alongside rising...