Mònica Puntí-Brun

Mònica Puntí-Brun holds a PhD in Human Sciences and Culture from the University of Girona (UdG) about journalism and proximity digital media. Professor of UdG and Universitat Oberta de Ccatalunya (UOC), her main lines of research are scientific and health communication, corporate communication, digital communication, digital or cyber media and proximity media. These are the topics of her academic publications and with which she participates in international conferences.


Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed Communication Training at the Medical Faculties in Spain?
Mònica Puntí-Brun, Sílvia Espinosa-Mirabet. © 2024. 22 pages.
This study aimed to assess whether Spanish hospitals have enhanced their protocols and training for breaking bad news in response to the pandemic. Employing a qualitative...