Mladen Karadjoski

Mladen Karadjoski , Ph.D., graduated at the Interdisciplinary studies for Public administration in the University of “St. Kliment Ohridski”- Bitola as the best student of the first generation. Became MA in public administration at the Faculty of administration and MIS. Acquired PhD degree in 2011 in the area of public administration. Dr. Mladen Karadjoski is an Associate Professor at the University of “St.Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola. In his academic career he participated at a numerous scientific conferences, seminars, forums, workshops, etc. He is an author and co-author of many published articles. Some of them are: “Dicrepancies between anti-corruption legislation and practice in Macedonia”, 10th Cross-border Crime Colloquium, 10th edition, Crime, money and criminal mobility in Europe, Wolf legal publishers, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2009;“Public administration in the Republic of Macedonia – legal aspects, reforms, management processes”, Scientific Journal, Warsaw, Poland, 2010;“Functional characteristics of the informational system of finance in transition countries”, Book of papers from the 5th International Science Conference of ASECU, Tirana, Albania, 2010;“Eurocentrism and the obstacles for entrance of Western Balkans and Turkey in the European Union”, Scientific Journal - European Perspectives, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2011;“Fulfillment of the Madrid criteria through the reforms of the public administrations of the countries from the Western Balkans” NISPA Journal, 2011;“Democracy in the countries of the Western Balkans: nominal or crucial transformation of the political systems after the end of communism”, Scientific journal – Revista de stiinte politice, University of Craiova, No.33-34, 2012.


Kosovo as European Union Rubik's Cube: Managing Regional Conflicts in the New International Context
Goran Ilik, Mladen Karadjoski. © 2024. 15 pages.
Regional conflicts with global consequences pose significant challenges to international peace and security due to their intricate nature, involving diverse stakeholders with...