Mirna Sawyer

Mirna Troncoso Sawyer is an Associate Professor of Public Health in California State University’s (CSUN) Department of Health Sciences. Her research interests include basic needs (food security, mental health) and the role of environments and other factors on food behaviors and wellbeing. Mirna is currently working with collaborators on a program to improve faculty knowledge and attitudes related to student basic needs funded by California Assembly Bill 74 (AB74). Mirna has also collaborated on a nine-campus demonstration project, CalFresh Healthy Living (CFHL) on College Campuses, funded by the California Department of Public Health. The CFHL on college campuses program addresses the need for nutrition education classes specifically tailored to college students. Mirna has a PhD in Community Health Sciences from UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health. She has published in peer reviewed journals such as the Diabetes Educator and the Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences.


Using the Psycho-Sociocultural Framework to Create a Campus Climate That Acknowledges and Supports the Role of Basic Needs in Student Success
Nelida Duran, Kristin King, Rosalia Garcia-Torres, Danielle Spratt, Mirna Sawyer, Armando Duran. © 2023. 20 pages.
Across Hispanic-serving institutions and minority-serving institutions, efforts to increase student retention and degree completion, especially among first generation and...