Miriam A. Carlos-Mancilla

Miriam A. Carlos-MancillaMiriam A. Carlos-Mancilla received the B.E. degree in computer systems from the University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico in 2010, and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico, in 2012. She is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree at CINVESTAV. Her research interests include mobile agent systems, wireless ad hoc networks, tree formation and clustering techniques, self-organization adaptive algorithms for emergent behavior, and failure recovering and load balancing strategies.


Distributed Methods for Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks Formation
Miriam A. Carlos-Mancilla, Ernesto Lopez-Mellado, Mario Siller. © 2019. 16 pages.
Recent application development in the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) area makes arise problems regarding data aggregation and effective methods to collect data. For addressing...
Distributed Methods for Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks Formation
Miriam A. Carlos-Mancilla, Ernesto Lopez-Mellado, Mario Siller. © 2018. 14 pages.
Recent application development in the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) area makes arise problems regarding data aggregation and effective methods to collect data. For addressing...