Mili Srivastava

Mili Srivastava is currently pursuing her PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad.


Smart Agriculture Resource Allocation and Cost Optimization Using ML in Cloud Computing Environment
Pancham Singh, Mrignainy Kansal, Mili Srivastava, Muskan Gupta. © 2023. 12 pages.
In this research, resource allocation in machine learning is used to analyze how cloud computing is being applied in smart agriculture. This chapter goes over the advantages of...
Empowering Agriculture With Conversational AI: An Application for Farmer Advisory and Communication
Mrignainy Kansal, Pancham Singh, Mili Srivastava, Prateek Chaurasia. © 2023. 18 pages.
Conversational AI is the most trending technology in recent years. It's not just a buzzword anymore, it is here to stay and will continue to grow as more people become aware...